Amal and I decided to team up Ubuntu
with Mary's Finds and create something
that represents our friendship and what
Ubuntu stands for. Ubuntu is an African
philosophy that means 'I am, because
we are." It describes the
interconnectedness among all things,
like friendship. A real, genuine friendship
is hard to come by. If you have one person
you can count on all will be well because
you have a friend. True friends walk
through life together. There’s an understanding that the binding together of people in friendship helps each of us define and realize a meaningful life. Zane Wilemon, founder of Ubuntu, said “We all depend on every other being on this planet in ways large and small, and we feel those connections now more strongly than ever. To reach our full potential, both individually and as a society, we must help others reach theirs: I am because we are."
For every purchase that you make, you are helping create a sustainable livelihood for thousands of Maasai women and their families. As a non-profit business, Ubuntu offers their Mums meaningful jobs with above-market wages and benefits, while generating revenue that supports their special needs center.